Online Account Registration your User Account
If you use this Site, store you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your computer. Furthermore, you are responsible for any and all activities that occur under your account or password. You authorize to assume that any person using the Site with your password and user name either is you or is authorized to act for you. You agree to notify Takas immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security. will not be liable for any loss that you may incur as a result of someone else using your password or account either with or without your knowledge. However, you could be held liable for losses incurred by Takas or another party due to someone else using your account or password.

We SUNNET-CTS does sell products for children, but it sells them to adults, who can purchase with a credit card. If you are under the age of 18, you may use only with the involvement of a parent or guardian. Takas and its Partners reserve the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, remove or edit content, or cancel orders at their sole discretion.

User Representation
Users represent and warrant that they are 18+ years of age or older to enter into this Agreement and make any purchase of any deal provided by us.

As a registered customer
To make online shopping faster and easier, you may register on SUNNET-CTS, website. As a registered customer, you only have to enter your shipping addresses and billing information once they will be securely stored with us for your future use.

  • Using your name and a password of your choice, you may access your account online at any time to add, delete, or change information.
  • If you are using a public computer, we strongly encourage you to LOG OUT after your session.
  • Your information will still be stored with us but it will not be accessible to anyone else from that computer.

Online Account GDPR Standards use GDPR Standards to ensure the highest level of security of individuals’ private information

General Data Privacy Regulations (GDPR) is a set of privacy security standards adopted by the EU and is officially in compliance from the 25th of May 2018.
GDPR introduces some noticeable changes in what kind of information is perceived as personal. In Article 4, ‘personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular, by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person including customers’ numbers, ID card numbers, credit card numbers, and others that can identify a human when being associated are under your processing now.  ready for your compliance with GDPR?

customers are free to remove all their addresses & data with only a few clicks. Permanently delete customers’ accounts Completely remove default addresses  On our customer control panel.

Promotional E-mails
You will receive promotional emails from us only if you have asked to receive them. If you do not want to receive an email from a or its affiliates you can click on the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any email communication sent by us.

Please allow us 3 business days from when the request was received to complete the removal, as some of our promotions may already have been in process before you submitted your request.

Accurate Information
The user is responsible for providing accurate information at the time of registration. Users are responsible for ensuring that details are updated and current. If a user does not provide correct and accurate information, the deal will not be processed. reserves the right to terminate a user membership at any time if a breach of these terms and conditions takes place. collects users’ personal information for future marketing and promotional purposes only and will not share this information.

User Registration
Upon registration, the user is solely responsible for the User ID on the site and all actions made on our site while logged in (at all times) as a member. recognizes whether a user is accessing the site and using the services and whether the user is allowed to use an account through the specified User ID issued. The user is completely responsible for the account being accessed and the use of our services.

Specific Use
Users will not present any content that has copyrights or third-party proprietary rights that includes exposure to the public, invading privacy or giving out trade secrets, and similar unauthorized actions unless otherwise, you own the rights to publish or submit such content as the lawful owner and have the right to provide it to

By using this website, you accept the policies outlined in this Privacy Policy.

We'll be happy to provide additional information or answer any questions.